Wish you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year !!!!


3-4 fresh tomatoes, stemmed & wedged
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 onion, wedged
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. Corn flour
3/4 cup milk
Salt to taste
Black Pepper Powder to taste


1) Combine tomatoes, garlic and onion in microwave safe dish. Microwave on HIGH
8 minutes or until tomatoes are falling apart.
2)Puree mixture in blender.
3) Put through sieve to remove skins and seeds. Set puree aside.
4) Melt butter in microwave.
5) Add flour and stir briskly. Microwave on HIGH 1 minute.
6) Slowly add milk. Microwave on HIGH 3 minutes or until thick. Stir after each minute to avoid burning of food.
7) Gradually add tomato mixture to white sauce. Mix well.
8) Add salt and pepper to taste.
9) Serve hot with: croƻtons or bread sticks.


  • Standing time is a very important step as it completes the microwave cooking process of a dish. Ideally, allow the dish to stand for about 5 minutes before serving.

This my contribution to Srivallis MEC- Soups and Stews


  1. Trupti said...
    nice soups Shreesha
    Srikitchen said...
    soup mela going on....! yummy tomato soup!
    notyet100 said...
    looksyum...thnks for sharin microwav version of soup,..
    Sagari said...
    simple and yummy soup sireesha
    Cham said...
    Tomato soup has been my favo :) Looks perfect!Great entry for MW :)
    Ramya Bala said...
    O Really an easy recipe for tomato soup..Thanks dear
    Unknown said...
    soup looks good..maybe i will makeit for laksh tody for lunch..thanks for sharing!!
    Deepthi Shankar said...
    nice way to make tomato soup in the microwave .. looks nice .. a nice simple healthy soup
    Unknown said...
    intresting soup every day one m.v recipe
    Unknown said...
    Yummy yummy tomato soup.....Its my favorite one....
    Unknown said...
    Soup looks yummy....
    Jaishree Iyer said...
    simple and yummy soup.soup looks delicious..
    ST said...
    Thanks all for lovely comments....
    Laavanya said...
    I was considering a tomato soup too for this event but didn't get down to making it.. looks good - my fave.
    Purva Desai said...
    simple but yummy soup :)
    EC said...
    Lovely colour of the soup
    Madhavi said...
    Yummy soup, and lovely color !!!
    Anonymous said...
    Soup looks yummy.. tomato soup is my all time favourite...
    Paru ... said...
    tomato soup looks very yumm and healthy..My first time to your blog Sireesha.You have a wonderful collection of recipes..
    ST said...
    Thanks all for ur great words.......
    Thomas Andrew said...
    I'm waiting for my tomatoes to ripen in my garden...then I'm definitely going to try this soup out!

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