Wish you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year !!!!

This is traditional andhra recipe from hubby's home town Rayalseema..I first had taste of this Raw Rasam after my marriage.I liked its tanginess ,heat of chillies .It's very simple and easy to prepare. It just take 10 minutes and when u are in hurry it is the best rasam u can prepare.You can serve it with rice .My MIL makes it superb.This recipe is from chandrika's Akshayapatra blog.Thanks chandrika for sharing such a nice and traditional recipe. I didn't add seasoning to it as my MIL don't add it and my hubby likes that way only.....


Tamarind - lemonsize
Water - 2 or 3 glasses.
Salt - as required
Onions - 1big
Greenmirch - 3
Sugar - 5tsp

Squeeze the tamarind pulp by adding more water.
Now cut the onion into fine pieces.Also cut the mirch into small pieces.
After add these pieces to that pulp.
Later add salt and more sugar to that and mix well.
YOU can serve this with kandi pachadi and hot Rice.

This recipie is reaching MBP : Less is more hosted by Nupur


  1. Cham said...
    No need of cooking! Looks good and tangy
    Jen Kumar said...
    Hey, Got here through One Hot Stove- gotta say this is making my mouth water. A simple rasam is one of life's wonderful pleasures!!
    I'll be linking this on my site
    lankaflorist said...
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