Awards Time
Prasu has passed me these awards.................Thanks a lot Prasu

Priya has passed a special 'Presenation award'.Thanks priya for beautiful award.

Pari and Khaugiri has passed me Over the Top Award.Thanks a lot Pari and Khaugiri.This Over the top award comes with a meme
1. Where is your cell phone: In my Hand Bag
2. Your hair: Black
3. Your mother: My best friend
4. Your father: My pride
5. Your favorite food: Indian
6. Your dream last night: I do not remember
7. Your favorite drink: Tea
8. Your dream/goal: To make my Parents proud of me
9. What room are you in: Living Room
10. Your hobby: keeps changing
11. Your fear: Lonliness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Where my destiny takes me
13. Where were you last night: Home
14. Something you aren’t: Cunning
15. Muffins: very fond of them
16. Wish list item: Nothing
17. Where did you grow up: Aurangabad
18. Last thing you did: Talking with my Mom and Dad
19. What are you wearing: Punjabi Dress
20. Your T.V. : No
21. Your pets: No
22. Your friends: So Many
23. Your life: Happy
24. Your mood: Happy
25. Missing someone: My parents
26. Vehicle: No
27. Something you’re not wearing: My Finger Ring
28. Your favorite store: Auchan in Paris
29. Your favorite color: Blue and Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed: Yesterday Night while seeing movie
31. Last time you cried: well nobody would like to remember that
32. Your best friend: My husband and My Mom
33. One place that I go over and over: Kitchen
34. One person who emails me regularly: I receive all junk mails regularly
35. Favorite place to eat: Chutneys(Vegetarian Restaurant ) in Hyderabad
I am passing these awards and the Meme to
Sowmya ,LG , Satya ,Tina ,Lubana, Raks Kitchen ,Cham ,Uma ,Happy Cook ,Ramya Bala ,Sailaja ,Bhawana,Paliodar
- Sailaja Damodaran said...
23 October 2009 at 01:28Congrats..... & thanks for sharing it with me....- Cham said...
23 October 2009 at 02:04Guess U miss Auchan a lot :) Me 2! Congrats on ur awards and thanks to share with us :)- Uma said...
23 October 2009 at 02:18Congrats Sireesha!! Nice meme. Thank you for thinking about me :)- Palidor said...
23 October 2009 at 02:25Aww, thanks so much Sireesha! I also love to drink tea, and pink is one of my favorite colors!- Unknown said...
23 October 2009 at 03:15Congrats on ur award.Keep rocking!!- Raks said...
23 October 2009 at 07:49Thank you sireesha for sharing the award :)- Sanghi said...
23 October 2009 at 09:21Yummy dishes for the event! Thanks! Congrats on the awards..!;)- Lakshmi said...
23 October 2009 at 10:07Congratulations on all your well deserved awards. Sweets look yummo Sireesha..you made me drool over them for a while :D Thanks for thinking of me for the award.- Tina said...
23 October 2009 at 10:08Congrats on ur award.....thanku so much dear.- Bhawna said...
23 October 2009 at 18:03Congrats for the awards, thank u very much for passing them to me.- Archy said...
23 October 2009 at 21:31Hey, congrats !! Enjoy ur awards !!- Finla said...
24 October 2009 at 20:15Congrats and thankyou for passing to me.